The Gidgegannup Dressage Club Inc., founded in the year 2001, is a non-for profit organisation with the aim to offer its members an avenue to improve their Dressage riding and training skills through monthly rally days, with accredited instructors.

Between February and November, the Gidgegannup Dressage Club Inc. meets every second Saturday and every third Thursday of the monthoffering lessons (up to 2 riders per lesson) from Preparatory through to Advanced level at the Gidgegannup Showgrounds. 

Throughout the year, the Gidgegannup Dressage Club Inc. also holds clinic days, training days, social gatherings and the very popular Gidgegannup Dressage Club Competition in autumn .

The Gidgegannup Dressage Club Inc. is an Equestrian Australia affiliated club and is run by its members and a dedicated committee. 

The Gidgegannup Dressage Club Inc. welcomes new members year-round and if you are interested in joining the club, you can find more information on the Membership page.


2024 Rally Dates and Coaches

25/07     Don Hawkins, Dave Carey  
10/08     Dwight Pedlow, Wendy Barker
22/08     Hazel Hikins, Dave Carey
14/09     Chris Sharpe, Dave Carey
26/09     Wendy Barker, Michelle James
12/10     Dwight Pedlow, Krystal Wang
31/10     Elaine Greene, Michelle James
09/11     Chris Sharpe, Liz Wakley-Dawes
21/11     Wendy Barker, Dave Carey 

2024 Other Dates

29/09     Golden Oldies Unofficial Competition
24/11     Member Only Competition